My heart goes out to you as you grieve your loss. Grieving is hard and it takes time, and tho the pain is fresh and feels strong, in a few years, it won't be with you all of the time and you will be able to enjoy those sweet memories more. After 13 years, I find my hardest times now are the date around the death of my son (suicide) and his birthday. So when sad feelings start that your weren't expecting and things don't seem to be going right or you seem to be crying over nothing, look at the calendar and you may find its around a date that meant something to you both, that has helped me to put the reason for those unexpected emotions in context when I'm not paying attention to the season. Be patient with yourself, it takes time, you miss him, but it does get better I promise, and it's good that you have something you love doing that keeps you busy. Crying is therapeutic, releases tension and stress, it's a healthy response.
Hi, It doesn't get a whole lot easier does it - even as time goes by? The say that one's grief is equivalent to one's love for the person. I guess, we must have loved a lot.
My heart hurts for you, my hug would not be as good as his but I want to give you one anyway, the description of your life together is so lovely and I hope you continue to share it.
Grieving is part of loving. Sorry you are going through this, it is hard.
Thank you
Remember all the love in your tribe! This time will always be hard. You are so loved!
Thank you
Grief is so incredibly hard, feeling all the feels. Be kind to yourself and I'm sending strength.
Thank you so very much
My heart goes out to you as you grieve your loss. Grieving is hard and it takes time, and tho the pain is fresh and feels strong, in a few years, it won't be with you all of the time and you will be able to enjoy those sweet memories more. After 13 years, I find my hardest times now are the date around the death of my son (suicide) and his birthday. So when sad feelings start that your weren't expecting and things don't seem to be going right or you seem to be crying over nothing, look at the calendar and you may find its around a date that meant something to you both, that has helped me to put the reason for those unexpected emotions in context when I'm not paying attention to the season. Be patient with yourself, it takes time, you miss him, but it does get better I promise, and it's good that you have something you love doing that keeps you busy. Crying is therapeutic, releases tension and stress, it's a healthy response.
Thank you. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved son and the grief it has caused you to endure.
I just wanted you to know I care and my heart is breaking for you. :(
Thank you so very much.
Hi, It doesn't get a whole lot easier does it - even as time goes by? The say that one's grief is equivalent to one's love for the person. I guess, we must have loved a lot.
No, it does not get easier. Yes, I believe we have loved a lot
My heart hurts for you, my hug would not be as good as his but I want to give you one anyway, the description of your life together is so lovely and I hope you continue to share it.
Thank you