Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 10, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

I had told my son your drug dealer experience, and he howled even more after I showed you in historic garb with your long rifle. You can only imagine the uncontrolled laughter when I told him about the phone call. He can't imagine how stupid those people were to even go on a ranch without following protocol. Living in a rural area, and you have a need to go up to someone's home (ranch or no ranch), you wait by your car for someone to come out, or you knock on the door and step back several yards away from the door. Personally, if I do it, I assume they have a gun, and show respect by standing back and hands in clear sight. I love to play with the grands outside and in the lake, I get dirty. But the one time I had to do an approach was because their cow was almost in the road. To make matters worse I looked like I had just walked out of Talbott's. So, I wasn't scary looking, just inappropriately dressed at the moment. This older black woman answered the door with a look of suspicion, and her hand by the side of the door out of sight I said, "mam' your cow is almost in the road and is going to get hit." She thanked me and went to get the cow back to the pasture. That road is 55 mph if the cow had been hit at that speed all involved would have been dead.

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Sadly far too many have no respect anymore!!

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

Hang in there. We had more snow this week! Ridiculous! So far extended weather forecast is looking good for us making it out there for shearing, Fingers STILL crossed!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

Spring will come about the time that you cannot stand the thought of another snowflake or ice patch lurking, waiting to get you. Prayers for Tally's complete recovery. Gotta love small town police!

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm


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I already cannot stand the thought of another storm. I've fallen more on icy patches this year than ever. Damn things hide under the snow. Shes slowly getting better, you and I both know we don't heal so fast as we get to be old farts.

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Hi, I hope things are going better and that Lucy is doing fine I can empathize with you about the weather. I live in California, we are going into our third major rainstorm in as many weeks. True, we really need the rain, but this is a bit much. Take care.

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Thank you. Lucy is starting to walk on her sore foot more today. Ugh that’s a lot of rain for you folks!! Stay dry!

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