Jan 11Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

Good grief, I was better prepared, living in the dorm. The floor below us had some football players so our floor help with money, the guys carried CASES of beer and we were off to the races in the snow. We all went to a convenient store and the cafeteria (with food coupons in hand) and grabbed whatever was nonperishable. So, we were all set! Beer, popcorn, munchies, pastries, maybe an apple, fruit juice and beef jerky, what else would one need in a crisis?

Guess we just showed our age, friend.

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Yup, just a pair of old farts!

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Jan 11Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

Just wondering if you are going to get the BOMB storm next week. If you are and you did not live through the one in '78 take it VERY seriously, it could save your life! Growing up along Lake Erie, I know snow, and normally it is no big deal. But I was at Bowling Green State University, OH when it hit. I 90 was closed, trucks and cars buried. Snow mobiles were the only way to get to people. The National Guard had to air lift food to us. Construction frontend loaders were the only way to get to people, the snow was too deep for plows in an area prepared for snow. You drove through 10+ foot tunnels aka roads. If you had a one-story home, you could go to your roof and sled down. The drifts were up to 15 feet deep. This one is not to be as bad as that one, but it is a very dangerous storm.

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Oh I do remember 78 very well. The only way out of our house was thru a 2nd floor window. We had very little firewood for the fireplace and only a few cans of tomato soup to eat. My parents were not big on being ready.

We are getting the cold but not the big snow from this storm. Further east of us is going to be hit harder. We are anticipating -50 windchills again, and at least this time I have a working furnace in the house!!! We are as ready as can be and I'll be putting a few more hay bales out today before it gets too cold to start the tractor. Sheep will do well, and I'll try to get Brandy into the barn if she will cooperate. She won't let me put a coat on her.

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Jan 9Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

I just read some of your past posts, and I will confess to having bawled my eyes out while doing so. I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

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Thank you so very much.

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Jan 3Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

I use to make New Years resolutions, but I could never keep them, so I quit. But I decided instead this year to make a New Years Resolution as I will try to lose weight, to spin a little every day, to exercise more, etc, that way if I mess up, I can just try again the next day to do better because trying is less demanding that "I will". Less stress and continued hope that eventually I will succeed at one of them :). I wanted to knit more this year, but I have to wait until my eyes are better after the cataract surgeries last month, will need glasses for my near vision and maybe some lens correction for one of my eyes that wasn't as happy with me as the other one over it lol, and glasses should take care of everything, but oh my goodness the vividness of the colors is amazing!!! I thought my bathroom sink was a cream color, imagine my amazement when I discovered it's a bright white! And I'll be able to drive again at night ;).

You've had big burdens to deal with the last couple of years and you have handled them amazingly, even if it didn't feel like it to you. So my New Years wish to you is that you will find blessings, peace, comfort and strength this year, in all the things you love and do and in the friendships you've found and family that carried you through your hard time. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

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Thank you so very much. I wish you much success in your years endeavors!!

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

I can say this because you and I are probably identical twins separated at birth. I could never ask for help, and because of my bullheadedness I got into a Black Hole that I almost didn't escape from, and it cost me almost everything. I know it was hard to ask for help, but you did not lose your dignity, you did what you had to do to survive. All of us knew you were in 'deep sneakers' and were not asking for a 'handout', just a 'hand up'. It was an honor for me to help you, like all of us that did help out.

I am sorry that I don't live close by. Get me to a grocery store, some pots, pans and a Crock Pot and I could cook a feast; as I watched from inside the warm house and you freezing your butt off in a blizzard on that tractor of yours.

Having someone die unexpectantly (and way too soon) is a loss that is indescribable. I have to remember their laughter and what a gift they were to have time with, no matter how short. I remind myself how empty and lost I would have been if I had not been gifted with them in my life.

You done did good girl. (Yes, I was grammatically incorrect on purpose.) Enjoy 2024.

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Thank you Kathleen, that means a lot to me. Blessings to you.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Fat Turkey Farm

All of my best to you in the New Year! I’m terrible with resolutions but I do like setting intentions and opening doors for the things I’d like to invite into my life. I’ve been taking stock a bunch lately too. I suppose this time of year does that.

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Thank you. I suppose it does provoke a lot of looking back.

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Beautifully said. And that is the way of it, I think. "to keep a mindset of gratitude going forward. I know I’ll have days where that is not going to happen. Days where I’ll be cursing the world. Days where I’ll have my arms around the house wolf as I cry. And days where maybe I can smile a real smile just a little." Happy New Year to you, your son, and your lovely farm family.

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Thank you so very much. I wish you and yours many blessings

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